Monday, April 22, 2013

Before and After Carpet

Here's what it looked like before we did anything to the upstairs.
room at the top of the stairs

room at end of hallway across from bathroom

same bedroom as above.  the walls are in awful condition.
there are holes and lots of snot smeared everywhere...ewwwww.

stairwell showing the colors of the carpet and walls which
carried throughout the upstairs hallway.  note the naaaasty carpet.

These are the rooms with paint but no carpet.
room at the top of the stairs
upstairs hallway
bedroom at the end of the hallway
across from the bathroom

And here we are with paint and new carpet.  (must wait until tomorrow)

Almost ready for upstairs carpet

The walls are painted, except the largest bedroom. I just have one more baseboard to install in the room at the top of the stairs.

Bright and clean

What a world of difference a fresh coat of paint makes. Not to mention filling all of those holes. Our living room went from dark and dreary to bright and clean.